My Journey

Like every woman, I have had many roles in my life -- daughter, sister, aunt, friend, life-partner, student, teacher, colleague, and executive. As a student of mediation and self-discovery for several years, I am now happier than I have been since I was a small child, and I am committed to helping others live a life full of many, many things but especially full of love, gratitude, joy, peace, self-appreciation and self-love.


Many years ago I began inviting small groups of women to my home with no goal other than being together and talking. The gatherings were often followed by requests from some of these women, asking if I would be willing to speak with a friend of theirs, a woman who was “going through a challenging time.” What these women were really doing was searching. “Searching for what?” you might ask. Searching for something — for happiness or calm or inner-peace or joy or comfort or something they could not name but that they were sure they did not have.

Many conversations later, I realized that there was more that I could do. While every woman’s journey is different, there are many similarities in the way that women navigate through life, motherhood, daughterhood, career, marriage, divorce, illness and the myriad aspects of living life as a woman. I asked myself how I could support women in their search for whatever they believe they need to take loving care of themselves while they lovingly care for others.

So I decided to do three things…

First, find a place bigger than my living room in which woman could gather — a safe, supportive place for them to accelerate their journey of self-discovery, self-appreciation, and self-love. For several years now, I have led Women's Circles locally to provide women an opportunity to explore their thoughts in a gently guided time of reflection and introspection. Beginning in April, 2020, I am leading "virtual" Women’s Circles monthly, since we are not able to gather in a physical location.  These Women's Circles are open to all women and you can find more information on the Resources Page,

The second and more challenging step was to launch a website where women could share their comments and advice, helping themselves and others in their search for who they truly are.

The third step was to blog about topics that may help others on their life’s journey, and whenever I am invited to speak to women (and men) about any topic, I also speak about how we can take better care of ourselves, and how loving and respecting ourselves is the best place to begin. Even when we are responsible for caring for others, we must take loving care of ourselves as well.

I am grateful to everyone who visits this website and invite you to join the celebration of women and their search for joy, self-discovery, and self-love.

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