Women’s Circles

A Women's Circle offers you time for personal reflection and self-discovery. During the one-hour Circle, you will be invited to write brief responses to a series of questions that are meant to help you connect with... the many things you love about yourself... what you may want to change in your life…. and ways in which you can take loving care of yourself.  The theme and writing prompts change each month.

Please be assured that at no time will you be asked to share your insights, thoughts or feelings with anyone else in the Women's Circle. This is time for personal reflection, time for you to take care of YOU.

Dates for Upcoming Women’s Circles:

I now host a second Women’s Circle each month to better accommodate women for whom the day or time of our regularly scheduled Circle is not convenient – one theme, one set of writing prompts, two different times.

Next up 

~ Thursday, August 8th at Noon EDT… 11am CDT... 10am CST... 9am PDT... 4pm UCT… 5pm WAT/WET/BST... 6pm CAT/CEST/SAST… 7pm EAT… 8pm GST… 9pm PKT… 9:30pm IST

~ Sunday, August 11th at 2pm EDT… 1pm CDT... 11am PDT... 12 pm CST...6pm UCT … 7pm WAT/WET/BST... 8pm CAT/CEST/SAST… 9pm EAT

~ Sunday, September 15 AND Thursday, September 19

~ Sunday, October 13 AND Thursday, October 17

If you are interested in attending one of our virtual Women’s Circles, please email me at Sharon@AwakeningYourTrueSelf.com. You can also sign up here to receive the monthly invitation that provides additional information about that month's theme.

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