Creating Opportunities to Bring Love

I was very fortunate to meet a wonderful woman many years ago, and one of her stories has stayed with me ever since. She had already had several careers by the time we met, and she explained that as a young woman, she had been an actress and a singer in New York City. When she was auditioning for a new role, she worked in a diner to cover her rent and living expenses. One day, when she arrived for her shift waiting tables, there was a new short-order cook working in the kitchen. A customer entered the diner, sat at the counter, glanced at the menu, and ordered a sandwich. A few minutes after the waitress brought the sandwich to the customer, he waved her back and said, “I come here for lunch every day, and I order the same sandwich, but today it tastes much better. Would you go into the kitchen ask the cook what is different today?” The waitress returned to the kitchen and relayed the customer’s question, and the cook’s answer totally surprised her: “Tell him that I made it with love.”

Like that cook, we have so many opportunities to add love, bring love, BE love in all of our interactions each day. There are times and situations when love, compassion, and hope seem on the verge of being overtaken by fear and anger. For some of us, now is one of those times. Our collective exposure to expressions of anger and fear has reached a fever pitch, and we understand that we cannot expect others to change the world. We must do it ourselves, and we know our commitment to love can nurture and fan the flames of positive change.

I feel certain that if you are reading this post, you are already spreading love, hope, and compassion wherever you go. Thank you so much for doing this. Sometimes spreading love can be as simple as smiling at a stranger… or speaking a few kind words to a person whom others are completely ignoring… or gifting someone with a “random act of kindness.” Other times bringing love can be looking for the ray of light, the ray of hope, in a situation where there seems to be none, and sometimes it means choosing to BE that ray of hope. You have already learned how to do this. I know you have. And as I type this post, I want you to know that I am grateful for your presence on this beautiful planet. I join you as we ask ourselves many, many times each day, “How can I bring love to this moment?”

I also gently remind you that the best place to start, in this moment, is to choose to love YOURSELF exactly as you are, because when you can do this, it is so much easier to love others exactly as they are, too.

As you continue to light up the world with love, compassion, and hope, consider asking yourself a second question, “Am I open to receiving love in this moment?” I hope you are.

Photo Credit: © Soleg1974 |

6 thoughts on “Creating Opportunities to Bring Love”

  1. Dear Sharon, thank you so much dear for the lovely words. Because of you I have learnt to love everyone on this planet earth, even the ones who seem to be difficult to love.
    I met you in September 2015 at Jonson and Jonhson side event during United nations general assembly in New York for the 1st time, I was a stranger, but you just loved me. we met again in May 2016 at women deliver conference in Copenhagen Denmark, without knowing who I was you followed me with all the love you have showed me in all conditions. If you were to ask my education background where I was born and many other things concerning me may be other things would have discouraged you to become my friend, but you just loved me the way I am with that unconditional love. I have learnt that sharing is caring even if I have little still, I do share. I have come to believe that those who are loved they can easily love others. Today I looked on someone’s what’s app status where she had posted God to have mercy on her and spare her life, I just replied to her that take heart God is in control then she answered me, thank you for the kind words, Madam Eva, its only what she needed for my healing.

    We might not need everyone to love us but that one person in my life = Sharon means everything to me.
    You have really transformed my life to something else which the whole world is admiring now but no one knows your big role in my success and what Iam today.

    Sometimes you find a woman in labour when she is tied of pain but with some few kind words of love, she pushes her baby successfully, you just here her say I had too much pain but when that midwife talked to me, all the pain disappeared, and I delivered in a love mood.
    more still what you saw is what you reap according to the bible if you saw love, you will always reap it and in abondance. I with my family will always leave to cerebrate you over and over., let the love that you show others be shown to you too in Jesus’ name. Amen.
    sending you lots of true love from my family.

  2. What moving words, Dearest Sharon. They felt like warm gentle rain or a loving hug. Indeed, your post brought so much love into my heart and soul.
    When days get heavy, I always ask myself: How / where can I serve? I immediately see the opportunities and begin — and as I serve — as I give, my heart overflows. Thank you for always bringing immeasurable love to countless hearts, especially mine. I am with you on the love mission and promise to do all I can to ensure I receive love, too. 🥰❤️🥰

  3. What a lovely post, Sharon, and a moving reminder that even the smallest expression of love can make all the difference, not only for the receiver, but also for the giver. In a world where we are exposed to anger and fear on a daily basis, these small expressions of love can make all the difference. Thank you for this touching story, which really hit home for me. I could do better at adding love to my daily interactions with people and to my tasks, no matter how menial they might be. I happily join Kristen, you, and all the women who read this post on your “love mission.” It’s an honor. Sending YOU much, much love as I write this. 💞

  4. Thank you for being a ray of light for me this past year, and especially these past few weeks. Your kind words mean the world to me.

  5. Dearest Sharon

    The love that you radiate inspires me. Every time I see a note from you, join a writing circle or see something you’ve shared or posted I am lifted up. I too often feel despair, anger and frustration, and the reminder to take care of and love ourselves if we are to have the capacity to spread love and joy, helps me to refocus, find some peace of mind and open my heart. Thank you for the love you shine. xxx

  6. I agree with the prior commenters. When one speaks or receives and email or an online message from you, Sharon, there is a feeling of love that transmits its to the receiver. Your post is a timely reminder for us all to consciously try to bring love to everything we do. Thank you!

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